Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Book Review

Hidup Sederhana Berfikir Mulia

Hidup Sederhana Berfikir Mulia” is a book which is describe about Petrus Kasinius Ojong. The book was writen by Helen Iswhara. For your information, this book was published by PT Kompas Media Nusantara on 2014, but the first edition this book was published on 2001. This book  xvi + 376 pages and three parts.
            This book tell about P.K. Ojong. He born on July, 25 th 1920 in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra and he died on Mei, 31 th 1980 when he was 60 years old. As we know that P.K. Ojong is one of two founder of Kompas Grmedia.
During his life, Ojong exemplary behavior. He is a media boss who is very concerned with its employees. When beginning Compass stand, he gave considerable atention to the paper. Quality journalism, anti-bribery stance is emphasized. Not surprisingly, in a short time compass capable of being trusted and largest daily, until now. Ojong exceptional working model. He just got home when all employees had gone home. Attention to employees is also a hunk of sweet memories. He did not have a decent private home before all employees make home, including a private driver and office. The principle of growing together is an attitude that developed Ojong. No wonder that many employees become loyal to the leadership and media
Critical thinking and simplicity that is the example for everyone nearby, so he's a lot of people happy to be friends with him. this book also mentions that he does not choose select in the mix, he can blend in to anybody and no exception minister or an important person at that time.
            I think that this book is very interesting to read, because of many thing  that we can take after we read this book. Like the title from this book is “Hidup Sederhana Berfikir Mulia”, P.K Ojong also can be as example of life.  For example, he teach to his cildren to do simple life. Bisaides be good people he also have good ideas on his writen.
He could be a reference, if we become a leader. Perhaps I have too much to write about the book's content than the influence of the book on self. However, talking Ojong had never inexhaustible
This book give me an understanding if life is not about the treasure . Life -saving is as a policy that should be practiced but that does not mean if he does not want to spend money voluntarily to the things that it deems necessary. However do not try to abuse the trust because he does not trust anyone who would abuse her trust.

Ojong was an example for many people. At the time of becoming the leader of the Star Weekly, he is willing to pump motorcycle flat belonging to employees (Tan Hong GIE) younger 15 years during a visit to his home, he was also willing to visit the homes of employees (Tan Tjoei Hokc) sick in the alley muddy, even money he ate the same as his driver when he led the Compass.